This is a Camper that I retrofitted with StayGlow scales. Those greenish-yellow scales are fluorescent which is a nice feature. They actually glow in the dark.
Other than that, it’s a regular Camper, just like my green and black ones.
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Could you just tell me where can I get these stayglow scales? The Hungarian distributors said that they don’t even hear anything about them.
But I really want these scalnes on my Spartan. :(
Thanks for your answer!
Greatings form Hungary!
(P.S.: sorry for my English!)
It could be true that the StayGlow models were not available in some countries. You could try eBay and other sites, there are usually a couple of StayGlow SAKs for sale. The scales can be removed fairly easily and you can then put them on your Spartan. With nylon scales, you don’t even need any glue most of the time (unlike cellidor scales).
I got mine from Neil Bee’s Hive of SAKtivity, but I think he’s out of StayGlow scales. Or you can contact Tom Meeker, he may have those scales for sale.
Greetings from The Netherlands :)
Hello,my name is ulf sahlin,im from sweden i just wonder if your
StayGlow Camper are for sale?
Let me think about it. It’s not really for sale, but I think I have a spare set of StayGlow scales. So I may be willing to sell that Camper or the scales.
I will let you know as soon as I have made up my mind :)