

I’m Dutch and I like orange SAKs. The CamoFun and Digital Camo ones are in fact white while the other five are actual orange SAKs in five distinct shades/colors. Most of these are quite rare.

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American SAKs :)

I bought these two SAKs on a trip to the United States. The one with the stars and stripes scales is a Super Tinker I bought in Portland, Oregon. The Boeing one is a Climber, bought at the Boeing plant in Everett.

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Victorinox Tinker Small

Victorinox Tinker Small

The 84mm Tinker (or Tinker Small) is the smaller version of the very popular Tinker model. The Tinker is closely related to the Spartan: the only difference is that the Tinker has a back mounted Phillips screwdriver instead of a corkscrew. This particular Tinker is pretty old, given that the Phillips has a square shaft

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